Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pictures and Videos Speak Louder than My Words!

I wanted to try and capture some of the experience Zoleka and I had yesterday at both Tsogang Sechaba and Nkosi's Haven, and thought my own words could never be as powerful of the words of the Net Buddies themselves.

I hope that you are as moved and inspired by the relationships described by the children of Infinite Family as I am. I return from South Africa with Christina's words in my heart.

"Remember," Christina said to all the newly trained Net Buddies at Nkosi's Haven, "Infinite Family has a special name. Infinite means that something goes on forever. Infinite Family means that this is a family that reaches everywhere and our goes on forever. Our Infinite Family will not end."

With your support, we can make Christina's statement a promise. Infinite Family needs mentors, partners, financial supporters and friends. Let us know how Infinite Family has captured your imagination and heart by contacting me at

As always, the Gift is YOU!

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