Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Katy Keck receives University of Phoenix™ Volunteer Leader Award

Katy Keck, Chair of the Infinite Family Board of Directors, was named one of just ten Volunteer Leader Award Honorees by HandsOn Network/Points of Light Institute and the University of Phoenix to  outstanding volunteer leaders in the nation.

The award, announced last night in Washington, D.C. during the National Volunteer Week festivities, celebrates the first anniversary of the landmark Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, which authorized the largest expansion of national service in America in decades. This award includes a $10,000 grant, which Katy has designated to Infinite Family.

Katy’s volunteer work with Infinite Family is a motivating force for volunteers, donors and staff.  She has inspired friends, family and business partners to become active change agents in the campaign to impact youth in South Africa.  Her tireless efforts, insight and ideas, professional and organizational skills, big heart and buoyant sense of humor are a daily source of inspiration.

With an estimated 55 million youths orphaned and affected by HIV/AIDS and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa, Keck feels that Infinite Family’s mission to connect a caring adult mentor to children who often grow up alone is critical.  She believes that by creating these connections, children will begin to define their lives by what they have to gain, not by what they have lost.

She has been the lead volunteer for Infinite Family since it began. With her professional background in finance and event planning, she has produced the organization’s fundraising events, pulling together dozens of volunteers, sponsors and in-kind donors. Over the course of four years, her efforts have generated more than $200,000 in donations. In addition, IF benefits from Keck’s leadership in developing marketing and communication tools, development and fundraising, and her ability to recruit volunteers and video mentors.

IF’s leveraging of technology to connect adults around the globe to youth growing up alone in Africa is an inspiring step towards ensuring that every child has a mentor.  Katy Keck is a 2010 University of Phoenix Volunteer Leader honoree because of her dedication, faith, willingness and selfless efforts to make sure that every child who needs a mentor, no matter where they are, can find one.

Congratulations, Katy!

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